Self Exclusion

Last Updated: 04.09.2023
Self-exclusion procedure

Preliminary blocking. The player can contact us using any of the available communication channels (live chat, email, direct communication with the manager, etc.), and in a free form declare a desire to block an account. The player’s account will be immediately blocked for at least 24 hours (the so-called preliminary blocking).

After preliminary blocking, the player will receive a message to an email with a special form to fill out (the desired blocking period, reason, etc.).

After filling out the form, the player’s account will be blocked by our Support team for the period specified by the user.

If a player refuses to fill out the form, his/her account will be automatically unblocked after the preliminary blocking period ends.

Lifetime self-exclusion. To confirm a lifetime (perpetual) self-exclusion, the user will have to go through an additional procedure of personality verification.